Home Breed Adopting a Siamese Cat in India: Cost, Care and Health Concerns

Adopting a Siamese Cat in India: Cost, Care and Health Concerns

by Vetic Editorial

The Siamese Cat in India: Breed Traits, Care, Health Risks and Costs

Siamese cats are one of the most popular and recognizable cat breeds in the world. They are known for their distinctive appearance, intelligence, and vocal personality. But how did they originate and what are their characteristics? And how can you take care of a Siamese Cat in India, where the climate and environment are different from their native land? In this article, we will explore these questions and more.

The Origin of the Siamese Cat 

Siamese cats are believed to have originated in Thailand, formerly known as Siam, where they were revered as sacred animals and kept by royalty and nobility. They were first introduced to the West in the late 19th century, when they were given as gifts to British and American diplomats and visitors. Since then, they have become widely popular and have been bred to develop various colours and patterns .

Siamese cats arrived in India around the same time as they did in Europe and America, as they were brought by travellers and traders. They soon gained popularity among the Indian cat lovers, who admired their exotic beauty and lively temperament. Today, Siamese cats are one of the most common cat breeds in India, and can be found in many households and cat shows.

The Personality and Physical Traits of Siamese Cats

A siamese kitten with light blue eyes is sitting in a wicker basket with an orange-red knitting yarn and a grey blanket. While getting a siamese cat in India, check their parents' health to minimize the possibility of health risks of your kitten.

Siamese cats have many unique traits that make them stand out from other cat breeds. Some of these traits are:

Weight and size: 

Siamese cats are medium-sized cats, with a slender and muscular body. They weigh between 4 to 6 kg and measure between 15 to 20 inches in length .

Coat colour and pattern: 

Siamese cats have a pointed coat, which means that their ears, face, legs, and tail are darker than the rest of their body. The most common colours are seal, blue, chocolate, and lilac, but there are also other variations such as red, cream, tortie, and lynx .

Coat type and length: 

Siamese cats have a short and glossy coat, which is easy to groom and sheds minimally. They do not have an undercoat, which makes them sensitive to cold and heat .

Eye colour: 

Siamese cats have striking blue eyes, which contrast with their coat colour. Their eyes are almond-shaped and slightly slanted, giving them an expressive and exotic look .

Personality and temperament: 

Siamese cats are very intelligent, curious, and active cats. They love to play, explore, and learn new things. They are also very vocal and communicative, and will often express their opinions and feelings with loud and varied meows. 

They are very affectionate and loyal to their owners, and will often follow them around and demand attention. They are also social and friendly with other cats and people, but can be jealous and possessive of their favourite humans .

Lifespan: Siamese cats have a long lifespan, and can live up to 15 to 20 years with proper healthcare and nutrition .

Taking Care of a Siamese Cat in India

Siamese cats are relatively easy to care for, as they do not require much grooming or special treatment. 

However, there are some things that you should consider if you live in India, where the climate and environment are different from their original habitat. Some of these are:

Temperature and humidity: 

Siamese cats are sensitive to extreme temperatures, and can suffer from heatstroke or hypothermia if exposed to too much heat or cold. 

They also do not tolerate high humidity well, as it can cause skin and respiratory problems. Therefore, you should keep your Siamese cat indoors, and provide them with a comfortable and cool place to rest. 

You should also avoid leaving them in a car or a closed room without ventilation or air conditioning .

Sun exposure: 

Siamese cats have a light-coloured coat, which makes them prone to sunburn and skin cancer. 

You should limit their exposure to direct sunlight, and apply sunscreen or sunblock to their ears, nose, and other sensitive areas. You should also check their skin regularly for any signs of irritation or abnormal growths .

Diet and nutrition: 

Siamese cats have a high metabolism and a fast growth rate, which means that they need a high-quality and balanced diet to meet their nutritional needs. 

You should feed them with a premium cat food that is specially formulated for their breed, age, and activity level. 

You should also provide them with fresh water at all times, and avoid giving them human food, dairy products, or raw meat, as these can cause digestive problems or infections .

Exercise and stimulation: 

Siamese cats are very energetic and playful, and need a lot of exercise and stimulation to keep them healthy and happy. 

You should provide them with a variety of toys, scratching posts, and interactive games to keep them entertained and challenged. You should also spend time with them every day, and play with them, talk to them, and cuddle with them. 

Siamese cats are very social and do not like to be left alone for long periods of time, so you should consider getting another cat or a friendly dog as a companion for them .

Vaccination and health check-ups: 

Siamese cats are generally healthy and robust, but they can be susceptible to some genetic or hereditary diseases, such as amyloidosis, asthma, dental problems, and eye disorders. 

You should vaccinate your Siamese cat against common diseases, such as rabies, feline calicivirus, herpesvirus, and feline panleukopenia virus. 

You should also take them to the vet regularly for health check-ups, dental care, and parasite control. 

The Health Risks of a Siamese Cat in India

When adopting a Siamese Cat in India be sure to check their parents for health issues including cross eyes. Squints or cross-eyes are a common hereditary disorder among Siamese cats across the world

Siamese cats are generally healthy and robust, but they can be susceptible to some health risks, especially if they live in India, where the climate and environment are different from their original habitat. Some of these health risks are:


Heatstroke is a life-threatening condition that occurs when the body temperature rises above 40°C, and the body cannot cool itself down. It can cause dehydration, organ failure, brain damage, and death. 

Siamese cats are at a higher risk of heatstroke, as they have a light-coloured coat, a high metabolism, and a low tolerance for heat and humidity. 

You should prevent heatstroke by keeping your Siamese cat indoors, and providing them with a comfortable and cool place to rest. You should also avoid leaving them in a car or a closed room without ventilation or air conditioning. 

If you notice any signs of heatstroke, such as painting, drooling, lethargy, vomiting, or collapse, you should take your Siamese cat to the vet immediately.

Skin cancer risk of a Siamese Cat in India: 

Skin cancer is a malignant growth of abnormal cells in the skin, which can spread to other parts of the body.

It can be caused by exposure to ultraviolet rays from the sun, or by genetic factors. Siamese cats are at a higher risk of skin cancer, as they have a light-coloured coat, which does not protect them from the sun. 

You should prevent skin cancer by limiting their exposure to direct sunlight. If you notice any changes in their skin, such as lumps, bumps, sores, or scabs, you should take your Siamese cat to the vet for diagnosis and treatment .

Respiratory problems: 

Respiratory problems are disorders that affect the lungs and airways, such as asthma, bronchitis, pneumonia, and allergies. They can cause coughing, wheezing, sneezing, difficulty breathing, and reduced oxygen levels. 

Siamese cats in India are at a higher risk of respiratory problems, as they have a short and narrow nose, which can make them prone to snoring, snorting, and breathing difficulties. 

They also do not tolerate high humidity well, as it can cause inflammation and infection in their respiratory tract. You should prevent respiratory problems by keeping your Siamese cat indoors, and providing them with a clean and dry environment. 

You should also avoid smoking, using deodorants and roomfresheners, or burning incense around them, as these can irritate their lungs and airways. If you notice any signs of respiratory problems, such as coughing, wheezing, sneezing, or difficulty breathing, you should take your Siamese cat to the vet for diagnosis and treatment .

The Cost of Adopting and Maintaining a Siamese Cat in India

A bright blue eyed Siamese Cat sitting on the porch. A well lit garden like area is visible in the background. The Siamese cat has a black belt with a golden bell. They are sitting in a classic loaf posture. If you want to keep a Siamese Cat in India, you should keep them as complete indoor cats.

Siamese cats are not cheap to buy or maintain, as they require a high-quality and balanced diet, regular grooming, and frequent veterinary care. The cost of Siamese cats in India can vary depending on the source, quality, and location of the cat, but here is an estimate of the average expenses:

Purchase price: 

The purchase price of a Siamese cat in India can range from 10,000 to 25,000 INR, depending on the source, quality, and location of the cat. 

You should buy your Siamese cat from a reputable breeder, who can provide you with the health and pedigree records of the cat, and ensure that the cat is vaccinated, dewormed, and microchipped. 

You should avoid buying your Siamese cat from a pet shop or an online seller, as these sources may not guarantee the health, temperament, or authenticity of the cat. 

You should also keep an eye on cat adoption groups in your city or state to learn about any Siamese cats that are available for adoption. 

Food and nutrition: 

The food and nutrition cost of a Siamese cat in India can range from 500 to 2000 INR per month, depending on the type, quality, and quantity of the food. 

You should feed your Siamese cat with a premium cat food that is specially formulated for their breed, age, and activity level. 

You should also provide them with fresh water at all times, and avoid giving them human food, dairy products, or raw meat, as these can cause digestive problems or infections. 

You should consult your vet for the optimal feeding schedule and portion size for your Siamese cat, and monitor their weight and body condition regularly.


The grooming cost of a Siamese cat in India can range from 500 to 1000 INR per month, depending on the frequency and type of grooming. 

Additionally, you should groom your Siamese cat at home regularly, by brushing their coat, cleaning their ears, and wiping their eyes. 

Toys and Accessories:

You should also provide your Siamese cat with a litter box, a scratching post, and a bed, and keep them clean and comfortable. 

You might want to invest in interactive toys, teaser toys and cat puzzles to keep your Siamese cat mentally stimulated, healthy and happy.

Veterinary care, vaccinations: 

The veterinary care and vaccination cost of a Siamese cat in India can range from INR 5,000 to 10,000 per year, depending on the frequency and type of veterinary services. 

You should take your Siamese cat to the vet regularly for health check-ups, dental care, and parasite control. 

You should also vaccinate your Siamese cat against common diseases, such as rabies (ARV), feline panleukopenia, feline calicivirus and feline herpesvirus (CRP) as per the kitten vaccination schedule in India. 


You should also spay or neuter your Siamese cat, as this can prevent unwanted pregnancies, behavioural problems, and reproductive diseases (Approximate, one-time cost can be between INR 10,000 and 15,000). 

So, What’s The Net Cost of Adopting and Keeping a Siamese Cat in India?

The total cost of a Siamese cat in India can vary depending on the individual cat and the owner’s preferences, but it can be estimated to be around INR 20,000 per year, excluding the purchase price. 

This may seem expensive, but it is worth it if you love and cherish your Siamese cat, and want to provide them with the best possible care and quality of life.

Who Should Adopt a Siamese Cat in India?

Siamese cats are not for everyone, as they have some specific needs and characteristics that may not suit every lifestyle or personality. Siamese cats are ideal for people who:

Have enough time and energy:

Siamese cats are very active and playful, and need a lot of exercise and stimulation to keep them healthy and happy. They also crave attention and affection, and do not like to be left alone for long periods of time. 

Therefore, you should be able to spend time with your Siamese cat every day, and play with them, talk to them, and cuddle with them. You should also be able to provide them with a variety of toys, scratching posts, and interactive games to keep them entertained and challenged. 

You should also consider getting another cat or a friendly dog as a companion for your Siamese cat, as they are very social and enjoy having company.

Have enough space and resources: 

Siamese cats are medium-sized cats, but they have a lot of energy and curiosity, and need a lot of space to run, jump, and explore. They also have a high metabolism and a fast growth rate, and need a high-quality and balanced diet to meet their nutritional needs. 

They also require regular grooming and veterinary care, which can be costly and time-consuming. Therefore, you should have enough space and resources to accommodate your Siamese cat, and provide them with a comfortable and safe environment. 

You should also be able to afford the expenses of their food, nutrition, grooming, and health care, and be prepared for any emergencies that may arise.

Have a compatible personality and temperament: 

Siamese cats are very intelligent, curious, and vocal cats. They love to learn new things, and will often express their opinions and feelings with loud and varied meows. They are also very affectionate and loyal to their owners, and will often follow them around and demand attention. 

They are also social and friendly with other cats and people, but can be jealous and possessive of their favourite humans. Therefore, you should have a compatible personality and temperament with your Siamese cat, and be able to appreciate and respect their unique traits and quirks. 

You should also be able to communicate and bond with your Siamese cat, and understand and fulfil their emotional and physical needs.

Siamese cats are wonderful and rewarding pets, but they are not suitable for everyone. You should adopt a Siamese cat in India only if you are ready and willing to commit to their care and well-being for their entire lifespan, and if you can provide them with the love and happiness they deserve. 

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