Home Pet Care Spaying and Neutering Dogs: The Importance and Benefits of Sterilisation

Spaying and Neutering Dogs: The Importance and Benefits of Sterilisation

by Vetic Editorial
Published: Last Updated on 4.7K views

“Should I get my dog neutered? Wait, is it spaying or neutering dogs? Is spaying dangerous for my dog?”

Well, these are all extremely important questions that every responsible pet parent asks once their puppies step into adulthood. 

Dog in an e-collar after neutering

So, here’s a brief introduction of what we are going to talk about in this article –

  • What is neutering dogs?
  • What is spaying dogs?
  • Should I spay or neuter my dog?
  • What are the benefits of spaying and neutering dogs?
  • What are some common misconceptions and myths about neutering and spaying dogs?
  • How do I know my dog is ready for neutering?

Before you go searching for “veterinary clinics for dog spaying” or “dog neutering near me”, let us find out the answers to these frequently asked questions about spaying and neutering dogs. 

What is neutering dogs?

Neutering is the common term many of us use to describe the surgical removal of a male dog’s testicles. Experts refer to it as double or complete orchiectomy. It is one of the most common surgical procedures performed by veterinarians worldwide. A neutered dog is often referred to as, “fixed.”

Veterinary surgeons perform this surgical procedure after putting the patient (dog) under general anaesthesia. Prophylactic antibiotics and painkillers are given to the dog for quick and pain-free recovery. 

What is spaying dogs?

Spaying is the removal of both ovaries and the entire uterus of a female dog. Professionals refer to it as a complete ovariohysterectomy. Spaying is also a very common surgery performed all across India and other countries for population control.

Mother dog breastfeeding her pups

Only licensed veterinarians can perform spaying. The dog is always under anaesthesia when the surgery is performed. The patient also receives prophylactic antibiotics and painkillers to aid in fast recovery. 

Sometimes, veterinarians, veterinary assistants and animal caregivers refer to both neutering and spaying of dogs as sterilisation of dogs. 

Should I spay or neuter my dog?

Sometimes, it is the personal decision of the pet parent to get their dog neutered or spayed. Unless there is a law regarding the compulsory sterilisation of dogs in your area, it is completely up to you whether you want to get your pet fixed. 

We can only give you the pros and cons of neutering and hope it helps you decide. 

What are the benefits of getting my dog neutered or spayed? 

Just like any other elective surgery in pets or humans, neutering and spaying have pros and cons. The most common benefits reported by pet parents after they had their dogs neutered or spayed include –

jack russell terriers running on grass

  • Less aggression towards other dogs 
  • Reduced territorial behaviour (urine marking) in neutered dogs
  • No heat (oestrus) and related complications 
  • No sexual behaviour (mounting) in the presence of a potential mate
  • Reduced inappetence (influenced by oestrus)
  • No more pseudopregnancies (in female dogs)
  • Fewer problems involving the reproductive system in males and females
  • Zero risk of unwanted pregnancies in spayed dogs
  • Almost zero risk of tumours and cancers of the reproductive system
  • Reduced chances of mammary (breast) tumours and cancers
  • Reduced chances of UTIs and infections of the uterus in spayed dogs

It is a life-defining surgery for your pet and you. Search for the best vet clinic near you and speak to the veterinary surgeon for dog sterilisation thoroughly. You should receive preoperative guidelines and post-surgery care from the vet clinic. An experienced veterinarian is a must to perform neutering and spaying of dogs. 

What are some common misconceptions and myths about spaying and neutering dogs?

My pet should have one litter before I neuter them

It is a widespread misconception. There is no scientific evidence suggesting that a dog should give birth or mate at least once before you can neuter them. If you are sure you want to breed your dog or want puppies, you can surely wait more than 2 years before neutering your dog. Otherwise, speak to our veterinarian at Vetic about neutering or spaying your pet. 

My dog will become lazy and fat after neutering or spaying

Neutering or spaying doesn’t make a dog fat. Removal of the reproductive organs causes some changes in the hormones, which may result in a slower metabolism rate in neutered dogs and spayed dogs.

lazy french bulldor sleeping with paws in the air

However, you can easily manage the changes with special diets recommended by the veterinarian. You can find prescription food, as well as specially formulated food for your sterilised dog that don’t cause weight gain

Neutering or spaying will change my dog’s personality

Neutering or spaying can reduce aggression and mood swings caused by heat. Neutering or spaying may even reduce territorial behaviour in dogs, such as urine marking and aggression towards other animals. Spayed dogs are less irritable since they do not go through hormonal changes that cause the “mood swings.” These medical procedures do not change a dog’s personality. 

Spaying and neutering dogs isn’t safe

These are common surgeries. Our veterinarians perform multiple orchiectomies and ovariohysterectomies at the Vetic clinics every day. The risks associated with sterilisation of dogs are very few. Your veterinarian will perform thorough tests to find out if your pet is healthy enough to sustain anaesthesia and the surgery. Your dog will receive medication to prevent infection and pain. At Vetic, our veterinarians stay in touch with the clients before the surgery and throughout the recovery process. 

My dog is too young/old to be neutered or spayed

Yes, there are age constraints in neutering and spaying surgeries. We cannot perform elective surgeries on 2-month-old puppies or 14-year-old dogs.

fat pug being checked up by the vet with a stethoscope

However, let us not forget that some young dogs do not qualify for surgery due to health reasons. And several older dogs undergo the procedure and recover fully because of their good health. There is no way to judge if a dog is too young or old for surgery until you take them to the vet and they undergo the necessary blood tests. 

How do I know my dog is ready for neutering?

Sometimes, some dogs do not show overt signs of heat like mounting, humping or spraying urine. However, as a concerned pet parent, you may want to get your dog neutered or spayed. So, how do you know if they are ready for the procedure? 

Instead of guessing, speak to an experienced veterinarian or veterinary surgeon. They can physically examine your dog and recommend blood tests to determine whether your dog is ready for neutering or spaying surgeries. 

A good animal hospital or veterinary clinic near you can also inform you about the estimated cost of neutering or spaying a dog. If they have an in-patient facility and 24/7 care available like Vetic, make sure to inquire about the charges in advance before booking a surgery date. 

Get in touch with the Vetic pet clinic near you to learn more about how neutering and spaying surgeries affect specific breeds such as Labrador Retrievers, Golden Retrievers, German Shepherds, Great Danes and other medium to large dogs. 

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