Home Pet Parents Complete Guide: Prepare for Take Your Pet to Work Day

Complete Guide: Prepare for Take Your Pet to Work Day

by Vetic Editorial

It’s finally time! The days are inching closer when you can take your pet to work (20 June and 24 June, respectively). 

Are you as excited as we are about ‘take your pet to work day?’ Well, we are!

You should be as well because we are here to offer you the complete guide for taking your pet to work. 

Okay! Let’s be clear – taking your dog or cat to the office is going to be fun, but in no way can it be unplanned. 

For the day(s) to go smoothly, you need a few things, an emergency plan and an exit plan. 

Here’s everything you need to make taking your pet to work a fun and pleasant experience for you AND your coworkers. 

1. Consider Your Pet’s Temperament and Habits Before You Take Your Pet to Work

Not all dogs and cats are friendly towards new people. That’s simply in their personality. You cannot force them to mingle like other dogs or cats you have seen. 

Calico cat sleeping with her head on the keyboard. Take your pet to work if they are calm and not aggressive towards other pets and people.

If your pet is shy, they may be prone to anxiety. They may even become aggressive in the presence of too many people. 

If your pet already has aggression issues the question of taking them to the office doesn’t even arise. 

Now, if your dog is used to meeting other people and dogs, and is cool about it, only then consider taking them to work. 

Similarly, if your cat isn’t skittish around people or hyperactive, you can consider taking your cat to the office. 

2. What’s Their Vaccination Status?

You absolutely cannot take your dog or cat to the office unless their vaccines are up-to-date. 

Now, you must be thinking that as long as your cat or dog’s anti-rabies vaccines (ARV) are updated, your coworkers are safe and you can take them to work. 

Tortoise shell cat sitting on a work stool. When you take your pet to work, make sure they have a comfortable spot to sit and rest.

Well, no! Since other pets might also show up during the take your cat to work or take your dog to work days, your pet must have their other vaccinations updated as well. Or, you will be putting your pet as well as other pets’ health at risk.

You can find more details about essential vaccines for cats right here

To learn more about the mandatory vaccines for dogs, click here

Contact the nearest veterinarian or veterinary clinic to update your cat or dog’s vaccine before taking them to your office. 

3. Talk To Your Coworkers And Management Before You Take Your Pet to Work

Do you work in a pet-friendly workplace? Even then, if your pet is not a regular, you should speak to your colleagues about bringing your pet to work. 

In the case of regular offices that are not pet-friendly, but might be open for “take your pet to work week”, you need to talk to your coworkers about allergies, dog or cat-related fears and phobias. 

You cannot and should not surprise your office folk with your pets. That is never a good idea. 

4. Find Comfort Spaces At Office For Your Pet

Not all pet-friendly offices are pet-proof or comfortable for pets. It particularly applies to offices with open floor plans. 

German Shepherd pup on a leash sleeping against a window. When you take your pet to work ensure that they are on a harness or leash for everyone's safety.

You may want to consider bringing your pet’s familiar small bed or crate with you on the day. 

Find nooks in the office that’s darker and quieter, in case your fluffy wants to nap. 

5. Pack Pet Food, Bowls, Puppy Training Pads Or Litter And A Leash 

Your pet will need multiple meals throughout the day like they do at home. So pack the right quantity of food along with their regular food and water bowls for them. 

Throw in a bag of treats too because you know they are going to be a good floof!

Puppy training pads or diapers are a must if you have a junior dog. They also come in handy for adult dogs, if you don’t manage to take them out for walks during the entire day. 

Labrador sitting inside an office in front of his food bowl while people are working. when you take your pet to work carry their food and water bowls.

The same goes for cats, so carry scent-absorbing, clumping litter. Create a disposable litter box out of a cardboard box for a day. 

The leash is for the safety of your dog or cat, especially since office doors are opened and closed frequently. If your pooch has a curious nature, please carry their crate or put them on a leash. 

6. Find Out Which Areas In Your Office Are No-Go Zones For Pets

Even in pet-friendly offices, some zones are no-go for pets. These typically include the canteen, employee break room, kitchen and bathrooms. 

Some conference rooms are also off-limits for pets. 

Do not take it personally. It’s not only for the comfort of the employees involved but due to basic hygiene reasons. 

And conference rooms may simply be off limits because they have costly equipment that a zoomie can damage.

7. Don’t Force People To Interact With Your Pet When You Take Your Pet to Work

Some people may have a fear of cats and dogs, while others may simply not feel comfortable around fur babies. It’s important to respect everyone’s personal space and comfort in the office and not force them to cuddle with your pet. 

One black cat sitting next to an ASUS laptop, coffee cups and open brochures on a work desk. On take your pet to work day, consider your coworkers preferences, allergies and fears.

How well-trained your dog or cat is doesn’t matter in this situation. It doesn’t even matter how well-behaved they are around people. 

In short, do not feel bad if someone doesn’t want to cuddle with your pooch. 

The coworkers who like dogs and cats will approach you and your pet by themselves. Inform them before taking your pet to work, so they can know when and where to find your dog or cat. 

8. Have An Exit Strategy

Cats and dogs can behave unpredictably especially in new environments. In case they become agitated or show signs of anxiety or sickness, you should have a place to drop them off. 

Taking them home with you and working from home for the rest of the day should also be a viable option.

Leaving your cat or dog in the car is NOT an option. It is extremely risky to leave your pet alone in the car in the summer heat. 

In Short – Enjoy Taking Your Pet To Work!

“Take your pet to work week,” “take your dog to work day” and “take your cat to work day” can be a great event if everyone is ready to participate. 

Instead of assuming every coworker is going to be alright with your pet being at work with you, share your plans with your coworkers and management. 

Get their vaccination certificates verified if that’s necessary. If your dog or cat has missed a vaccine, get them the pending vaccine as soon as possible. Get their health checked before taking them to work. 

Contact the veterinary clinic near you for pre-visit grooming of your cat or vaccinations of your dog. And if they have missed a tick and flea treatment visit the nearest dog grooming clinic. 

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