Home Dogs Vacation Plans: Travelling with Your Dog on The Train

Vacation Plans: Travelling with Your Dog on The Train

by Vetic Editorial
Published: Last Updated on 1.2K views

Planning your next vacation? We hope you are planning to take your dog with you! IRCTC has announced online ticket booking for pet dogs AND there are tons of homestays and hotels that are pet-friendly. But first, here are 11 things you will need for travelling with your dog on the Indian Railways –

  1. A puppy/dog travel crate 
  2. Leash And Harness With Id Tags
  3. Their Food And Water Bowls
  4. Dog/Puppy Food
  5. Fresh Water
  6. Basic First Aid
  7. A Familiar Blanket
  8. One Or Two Toys For Comfort
  9. Lots Of Toilet Paper And Cleaning Supplies
  10. Puppy Pee Pads
  11. Poop Bags 

What Do You Need to Get an Online Train Ticket For Travelling with Your Dog?

The new rules that allow dogs and cats to travel with their pawrents on trains have made several pet-friendly travel destinations accessible for our pets. Dog parents can travel with their fur babies in AC first class to the destination of their dreams. 

adult labrador retriever wearing a red bandana, sitting beside two suitcases.

Here are 4 things your dog will need to get a ticket from the IRCTC –

  1. Their updated vaccination certificate.
  2. A fitness certificate from your veterinarian. 
  3. A harness and short leash (and muzzle, in certain cases).
  4. A confirmed booking for AC first class coupe.

Visit a certified veterinarian ASAP for completing your dog’s vaccinations and getting a valid Fit to Travel Certificate. 

What Will You Need for a Comfortable Train Ride with Your Dog?

Now, let’s talk about the things your dog will need to travel comfortably with you by train, possibly overnight. 

1. A Puppy/Dog Travel Crate 

one blue zip-open travel crate and one TSA cum flight approved hard plastic dog crate for travelling with dog

For safe travel, you should always get a travel crate for your dog or puppy. The crate should be sturdy and non-chewable. And it should be big enough for your fur baby to sit, stand, lie down and turn. The crate should be well-ventilated. 

2. Leash And Harness With ID Tags

You cannot expect your dog to remain inside the crate for hours at a stretch. They will want to go out of the crate and sit beside you. For their safety and the safety of other passengers and train staff, always keep a harness on your pooch with a short leash attached. 

If your dog is particularly prone to anxiety and related aggression issues, you may want to opt for a muzzle. 

3. Their Food And Water Bowls

Your pooch will already be travelling in an unfamiliar environment with overwhelming new sounds and smells. Maintain a sense of familiarity by using the same dog food and water bowls you use at home. In case you are opting for collapsible bowls, get them to eat and drink from those at home for 3-4 days before travelling. 

4. Dog/Puppy Food

Feed them less before and during travelling. Keep the brand and type of dog food unchanged during travel. Anxiety and travel stress do not go well together with new food! So unless you are planning on a grand cleaning spree during your train travel, feed them less. 

Speak to your veterinarian about the right quantity and frequency of food during travelling with your pet by train. 

5. Fresh Water

“More water, less food” – that should be the motto for all pet parents travelling with dogs by train. You should also keep a bottle of ORS handy just in case your pet refuses food while on board. 

Bring water from your home since your dog might find mineral water unfamiliar, and reject it. To prevent dehydration, you can offer them chicken soup or broth (brought from home). 

6. Basic First Aid

We never travel without band-aids and antacids, so why should we take our pets on trains without a first aid kit? Here’s a handy guide by our vets to making a pet first aid kit right at home for your pets. 

white mixed breed dog sitting beside a red first-aid medicine bag with a white cross in the middle. keeping first-aid handy is very important while traveling with your dog.

If your pet has daily medicines or supplements don’t forget to include them in the box. Speak to a veterinarian near you about motion sickness medicines and other emergency pet meds that you should include in your first-aid box. 

7. A Familiar Blanket

The blanket will keep your pupper warm and at the same time, it will make them feel safe. Do not buy a brand-new blanket just for the train journey. Give them one that they use at home.

The smell of home will give them a sense of comfort and safety in the chaos of travel. 

8. One Or Two Toys For Comfort

Just like children like to carry their stuffed toys, tablets or smartphones wherever they go, your dog will want one or two of their favourite toys. 

These toys should be ones they use at home. It will stave off boredom during the long hours inside the coupe especially since they can’t go for walks. 

9. Lots Of Toilet Paper And Cleaning Supplies

It is always better to be prepared for an accident well before it occurs. Be prepared while travelling with your dog, just like people prepare with extra diapers, wet wipes and toilet paper while travelling with babies. 

Stock up on toilet paper rolls, pet wet wipes, pee and poop stain and odour remover sprays, old newspapers, and disposable garbage or plastic bags.  

10. Puppy Pee Pads

Puppy pee pads are going to be your best friend when you travel with your dog. They will be particularly effective if your pup has used them before. 

mixed breed puppy sitting on a puppy pee pad. pee pads are integral parts of every travel packing while travelling with your dog.

Spread these out on the floor and lower seats. These should soak up dog pee or even vomit quite effortlessly, making clean-up a breeze, irrespective of the size of your dog. Make sure to line the travel crate with one or two pee pads as well. 

11. Poop Bags 

Travelling with your dog without poop bags is a big “NO-NO.” You need to clean up after your dog no matter where you are. When travelling for long hours by train, your pupper will eat, drink, pee and poo. 

Be a responsible dog owner. Use doggy poop bags and dispose of them correctly to minimise the discomfort of others travelling with you. 

Now, go make those travel plans with your pooch!

Now that IRCTC is making online ticket booking possible for pets, more and more pet parents are looking for pet-friendly travel destinations. However, to reach these destination you must ensure a smooth journey for yourself and your pooch. 

Hopefully, carrying these 11 items will make your pet’s journey with you a delight. 

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