Home Cats Should You Groom Your Short-Haired Cat: The Cat Parent’s Guide to Cat Grooming

Should You Groom Your Short-Haired Cat: The Cat Parent’s Guide to Cat Grooming

by Vetic Editorial

Should you groom your short-haired cat? Well, many cat owners believe that short-haired cats do not need grooming because they have less fur than long-haired cats. However, this is a myth that can lead to health problems and discomfort for your feline friend.

Short-haired cats, especially those living in India, need regular grooming to keep their coat and skin healthy, prevent matting, reduce shedding, remove dirt and parasites, and improve their overall well-being.

What You Need to Groom Your Short-haired Cat

Grooming your short-haired cat does not require a lot of tools, but you should have some essential items handy. Here are some of the tools you will need and what they do:

  1. A flea comb: This is a fine-toothed comb that can help you detect and remove fleas, ticks, and other pests from your cat’s fur. You should use this comb at least once a week, especially during the warmer months when fleas are more active.
  2. A DeShedder: This is a special tool that can help you reduce the amount of loose hair and dander that your cat sheds. A deShedder has a blade that gently removes the undercoat without cutting the topcoat. You should use this tool once or twice a month, depending on how much your cat sheds.
  3. A regular brush: This is a soft-bristled brush that can help you smooth and distribute the natural oils on your cat’s coat. It can also remove any dirt, dust, or debris that may have accumulated on your cat’s fur. You should use this brush every few days, or more often if your cat enjoys being brushed.
  4. A nail clipper: This is a tool that can help you trim your cat’s nails and prevent them from becoming too long, sharp, or ingrown. You should use this tool every two to four weeks, or whenever you notice your cat scratching your furniture.
  5. A mat splitter: This is a tool that can help you cut through any mats or tangles that may have formed on your cat’s fur. It has a blade that can safely slice through the mat without hurting your cat’s skin. You should use a matt splitter only when necessary, and try to prevent matting by brushing your cat regularly.

How to Groom Your Short-haired Cat?

This is an image of everything you will need to groom your short-haired cat at home. from left to right - there's a black slicker brush with a red handle, a double sided wooden brush, a small-sized nail clipper with a safety lock and a blue handled matt remover brush. the image has a text that says “vetic™”.

Now that you have the tools, you need to know how to use them properly and safely. Here are some tips on how to groom your short-haired cat:

Choose a quiet and comfortable place: 

You want your cat to feel relaxed and calm during the grooming session, so pick a spot where there is no loud noise, bright light, or other distractions. You can also use some treats, toys, or praise to reward your cat for being cooperative and patient.

Start with the flea comb: 

You want to check your cat for any signs of fleas, ticks, or other parasites before you proceed with the rest of the grooming. Use the flea comb to gently comb through your cat’s fur, paying attention to the areas where fleas tend to hide, such as the neck, ears, tail, and belly. If you find any fleas, ticks, or eggs, you should remove them with a pair of tweezers or a tissue, and dispose of them properly. You should also consult your veterinarian for the best flea treatment for your cat.

Use the DeShedder: 

You want to reduce the amount of hair that your cat sheds, which can cause allergies, hairballs, and messes. Use the DeShedder to gently glide along your cat’s coat, following the direction of the hair growth. You should start from the head and work your way down to the tail, avoiding the face, ears, legs, and genitals. You should also be careful not to press too hard or pull too much, as this can hurt your cat or damage the coat. You should remove any excess hair from the tool after each stroke, and dispose of it properly.

Use the regular brush: 

You want to smooth and shine your cat’s coat, and remove any dirt or debris that may have accumulated. Use the regular brush to gently brush your cat’s fur, following the direction of the hair growth. You should start from the head and work your way down to the tail, avoiding the face, ears, legs, and genitals. You should also be careful not to brush too hard or too fast, as this can irritate your cat or cause static electricity. You should remove any dirt or debris from the brush after each stroke, and dispose of it properly.

Use the nail clipper: 

You want to trim your cat’s nails and prevent them from becoming too long, sharp, or ingrown. Use the nail clipper to carefully cut the tip of your cat’s nail, avoiding the pink part called the quick, which contains blood vessels and nerves. If you accidentally cut the quick, your cat may bleed and feel pain, so you should have some styptic powder or cornstarch handy to stop the bleeding. You should also hold your cat’s paw firmly but gently, and clip only one nail at a time, giving your cat a break in between.

Use the mat splitter: 

You want to cut through any mats or tangles that may have formed on your cat’s fur, which can cause discomfort, skin problems, or infections. Use the mat splitter to carefully slice through the mat, following the direction of the hair growth. You should start from the outer edge of the mat and work your way in, avoiding the skin. You should also be careful not to cut too much or too close, as this can hurt your cat or damage the coat. You should remove any cut hair from the tool after each stroke, and dispose of it properly.

Why You Should Groom Your Short-haired Cat

This photo shows a close-up of a cat’s face while being groomed with a metal comb. The cat has orange and white fur and is looking at the camera. The person is holding the comb in the left hand showing how to groom your short-haired cat. the image has a text that says “vetic™”.

Grooming your short-haired cat is not only a way to keep them clean and healthy, but also a way to bond with them and show them your love and care. By grooming your cat regularly, you can:

Improve their coat and skin condition: 

Brushing your cat can help remove dead hair, dirt, and dander, and distribute the natural oils on their coat. This can make their fur shiny and soft, and prevent dryness, itching, or irritation. It can also reduce the risk of skin infections, allergies, or parasites, such as fleas or mites.

Prevent matting and shedding: 

Matting is when your cat’s fur becomes tangled and clumped, which can cause pain, discomfort, or even injury to your cat. Shedding is when your cat loses excess hair, which can cause hairballs, allergies, or messes. By using a DeShedder and a mat splitter, you can prevent these problems and keep your cat comfortable and happy.

Maintain their nail health: 

Trimming your cat’s nails can help prevent them from becoming too long, sharp, or ingrown, which can cause pain, infection, or damage to your cat or your furniture. It can also make your cat more confident and relaxed, as they will not feel the need to scratch or mark their territory as much.

Monitor their health and well-being: 

Grooming your cat can also give you a chance to check their body for any signs of illness or injury, such as lumps, bumps, cuts, scratches, or swellings. You can also observe their behaviour and mood, and notice any changes that may indicate stress, anxiety, or depression. If you find anything unusual or concerning, you should consult your veterinarian as soon as possible.

How Often Should You Groom Your Short-haired Cat?

The frequency of grooming your short-haired cat depends on several factors, such as their breed, age, lifestyle, and personal preference. However, as a general rule, you should groom your cat at least once a week, or more often if they enjoy it or need it. You should also groom your cat more frequently during the shedding seasons, which are usually spring and autumn, when they lose more hair than usual.


Grooming your short-haired cat is not a chore, but a privilege. It is a way to show your cat that you love them and care for them, and a way to improve their health and happiness. By following the tips and tools mentioned in this article, you can groom your cat easily and effectively, and make it a fun and rewarding experience for both of you. Remember, a well-groomed cat is a happy cat. 

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