Home Breed Adopting a Pug: The Pioneers of Quirks and Fun in the Dog Universe

Adopting a Pug: The Pioneers of Quirks and Fun in the Dog Universe

by Vetic Editorial

Pug is a breed that exudes charm and character with every little wrinkle and snort. Originating in ancient China, Pugs were bred to be the companions of royalty, often finding themselves nestled in the laps of emperors and empresses. In this article, we will give you compelling reasons for adopting a pug! 

Their endearing appearance and captivating personality have not only earned them a place in the hearts of dog lovers but also a spot on the list of the quirkiest and funniest dog breeds around. Their popularity ensures you can hobnob with at least 5 pugs a day at any Vetic pet clinic. That’s one smart way to get to know your breed before adopting a dog!

Their history definitely justifies their royal attitude where they charm us into doing their bidding or simply manipulate us for 5 extra minutes of walkies. 

10 Quirks that Define Every Pug:

A young pug with two front legs up on the bed. A christmas tree can be seen in the background. When adopting a pug, know they are wonderful couch potatoes.

  1. Comical Facial Expressions: Pugs are the true masters of non-verbal communication. Their expressive faces can go from utterly bewildered to irresistibly charming in mere seconds. It’s like watching a one-dog theatre production, complete with dramatic eyebrow raises and exaggerated eye rolls.
  2. Snoring Symphony: These little champs can out-snore the mightiest of lumberjacks. Their tiny yet powerful snores rival the hum of a vintage car engine, providing a humorous nighttime soundtrack that’s sure to bring a smile.
  3. Endearing Snorting: Pugs seem to have perfected the art of combining sniffles, snorts, and snuffles into a symphony of sound. Their unique vocalisations are like a secret language that only fellow Pug enthusiasts can truly appreciate.
  4. Unconventional Playfulness: Pugs have an uncanny ability to turn everyday objects into toys. A simple sock becomes a treasure trove, and a crumpled piece of paper transforms into a sought-after prey. Their imaginative play is a testament to their inner child’s perpetual presence.
  5. Curious Head Tilts: When a Pug tilts its head, it’s as if they’re trying to understand the mysteries of the universe. This adorable behaviour is like watching a detective ponder a complex case – all in pursuit of understanding why the treat jar isn’t opening.
  6. Love for Lap Time: Pugs are absolute lap dogs, often believing that their rightful place is snuggled up on their human’s lap. Their enthusiasm for lap time is akin to a seasoned traveller discovering the cosiest spot on a long journey.
  7. Cunning Begging Tactics: Pugs possess an unparalleled talent for turning on the charm when it’s mealtime. Their begging tactics could give any Hollywood actor a run for their money. It’s as if they’re auditioning for a role in a gourmet commercial with every hopeful stare.
  8. Naptime Enthusiasts: While they have their bursts of energy, Pugs are true aficionados of naptime. Their love for sleep rivals that of a cat, with the added bonus of those hilarious twitching dreams that make you wonder what exciting adventures they’re experiencing.
  9. Bulldozer Attitude: Pugs have a determined spirit that defies their small stature. When they decide it’s time to go somewhere or investigate something, they charge ahead like a tiny bulldozer on a mission – often with an endearing disregard for any obstacles in their path.
  10. Social Butterflies: Pugs are the life of the party, whether it’s a gathering of fellow canines or a room full of humans. Their enthusiasm for social interactions is like a constant invitation to a joyous celebration, making them the ultimate conversation starters.

The top 10 traits that should convince you for adopting a pug

In a world that often takes itself too seriously, Pugs are a breath of fresh air, a reminder that a dose of laughter and lightheartedness can make even the dullest days brighter. Their quirky and funny traits not only make them adored companions but also cherished members of the family.

Let’s find out more about our fave breed before we can bring them home – 

1. Ideal Body Size and Weight Of A Pug

Two fat pugs sitting on blue on blue print cushions placed on two white chairs. Adopting a pug is a huge responsibility since they are prone to health issues stemming from obesity.

Pugs are tiny toy breeds so their size should be between 10 and 11 inches. 

Their ideal body weight should never exceed 8 kgs. 

Pugs are prone to rapid weight gain and obesity due to their low exercising abilities and luxurious (read: lethargic) lifestyle. 

2. The Perfect Diet for a Pug

Always feed specially formulated food for brachycephalic breeds to your Pug. They have dental issues and unique soft palate structures that make it difficult for Pugs to chew and eat kibbles meant for larger breeds. 

Check out dog food for Pug puppies and Pug adults. These kibbles are smaller in size and softer. They are also easier to digest since Pugs often have malformations in the GI tract. 

3. The Friendliness of Pugs 

If pugs could sing, the anthem of their breed would be “I’ll be there for you…” (The Rembrandts, please give it a listen, if you haven’t and you’ll know what we are talking about. 

They are quite comfortable napping on guests and playing tug with children at the park. They are super friendly towards other “unknown” humans. So much so, that they will be able to evoke a tinge of jealousy in you. 

4. Their Affection Towards Humans

Do you remember the Vodafone ad where the Pug keeps following the girl everywhere, or is it strictly a Gen X thing? If you haven’t, you should watch it to get an idea of what you are about to get yourself into after adopting a pug. 

They will force their way into your heart and ensure you never forget them by shadowing you every waking minute (thankfully, they like snoozing quite often!). It doesn’t matter that they are small, snorty and snuggly, they will try to help you whether there’s a wasp in your room or the bathroom is flooding. 

5. Acceptance of Other Breeds

A photo of 5 breeds of puppies. From the right - beagle, pug, english bulldog, jack russell terrier and a brown labrador retirever. Pugs are friendly towards everyone including other dogs.

“Other breeds? What other breeds?” All dogs (and some cats) are the same in the eyes of a pug. A pug is small in stature, but has a huge personality. Pugs aren’t easily intimidated by Saint Bernards and Great Danes! 

In fact, Pugs were put on earth solely to bring peace among all other dog breeds and bridge their differences with slobbery kisses and silly smiles. 

6. The Grooming Needs of a Pug

Pugs have short, smooth coats that require brushing around once a week. They do have skin problems and frequent allergies due to genetic predispositions. Hence, they require special shampoos and ointments quite often. 

Clean the folds of their face carefully EVERY DAY! Clean their paws and ears daily as well. 

Take your pug for frequent professional pet grooming near you to prevent dermatitis, hotspots and allergies. Keep brushing them with a brush suitable for their delicate skin. 

7. Pugs as…Watchdogs?

What is a watchdog? Is it a dog that watches as the burglar puts every valuable in their knapsack and sits down on the couch with a packet of chips while watching Netflix? Then, sure, pugs are watchdogs!

They strictly function on a “what’s mine is yours” basis. Do not expect your pug to watch over your property or valuables. Most of them don’t even feel protective about their own food and bowls!

8. The Energy Level of a Pug

Contrary to popular belief, pugs can have a decently high energy level. They simply should not run around as much as other dogs due to their breathing issues. 

They should not walk for long periods of time. However, you should take them for frequent short walks to expend all that energy that causes them to run away with your socks, phone chargers and doormats. 

Get them puzzle feeders and snuffle feeders to keep them mentally stimulated. Use interactive games to pique their interest. Unless their large noggin is fully utilised you will have a pocket-sized ticking bomb waiting to go off (zoomies) at any point.

9. Training a Pug – Challenges & Solutions

Photo of an adult pug wearing a blue-red harness with two front paws on the table, begging for a slice of pie. Adopting a pug means adopting a foodie who needs strict diet regulation.

Training a pug and telling a teenager there’s a 9 PM curfew are similar experiences. Both require dedicated patience, tenacity and some bribery. 

If you think pugs are dumb you couldn’t be more wrong. They are so smart that they are capable of tricking you into thinking they are dumb!

Pugs are ace manipulators with their big eyes, silly smiles and adorable head tilts. Do not give into these acts and stick to behavioural training if you want a well-behaved and obedient adult pug. 

10. The Common Health Problems of Pugs

Although adorable, selective breeding and inbreeding has led to a number of health problems in the Pug breed. 

Here’s a list of the common problems you need to watch out for if you are adopting a pug –

  • Brachycephalic Obstructive Airway Syndrome (BOAS)
  • Skin Fold Dermatitis
  • Hip Dysplasia 
  • Legg-Calvé-Perthes Disease
  • Patellar Luxation
  • Corneal Ulcers, Entropion and Chronic Dry Eye
  • Cancer (Oral Melanoma and Mast Cell Tumours)

Keep the contact of an emergency pet clinic near you handy in case you have or you are planning to get a pug. 

What is Brachycephalic Obstructive Airway Syndrome (BOAS) in Pugs?

BOAS is a chronic condition that affects Pugs and many other flat-faced breeds. It is a lifelong primarily obstructive airway disease that is seen in brachycephalic dog breeds such as the English Bulldog, Bull Terrier, Bullmastiff, Boston Terrier, Shih Tzu, French Bulldog, and Pekingese. 

It adversely affects the quality of a dog’s life since these breeds can’t exercise or play around heavily. They often have breathing problems even while asleep. 

In most cases, obesity is a leading contributor to BOAS in Pugs and weight loss can reduce the BOAS symptoms. Veterinarians recommend corticosteroids to relieve respiratory distress in the short-term. 

However, some pugs do need surgery if their anatomic/physical features are responsible for the pupper’s breathing issues. 

Should You Get a Pug?

Adult pug half-lying on a salmon pink chair using the arm of the chair for back support. Adopting a pug can be fun if you have the resources to train, exercise and maintain them.

It is a very crucial question with no straightforward answer. Pugs have tons of health challenges, but they are adorable and perfect companions. They have genetic predispositions towards numerous diseases but, again, it’s not their fault!

If you have the chance to adopt a flat-faced lovemonger and the financial ability to support their upkeep you should definitely consider getting a pug. 

However, begin the new leg of your life by visiting a veterinary clinic near you. You will need to stay in close touch with a veterinarian throughout the time you have a pug. 

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