Home Pet Health and Treatment Itching, Crusty Skin, Hair Loss and Skin Problems in Cats: What is Scabies in Cats?

Itching, Crusty Skin, Hair Loss and Skin Problems in Cats: What is Scabies in Cats?

by Vetic Editorial
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Scabies in cats is a highly contagious skin infection caused by Notoedres cati. Cats can also contract scabies caused by Sarcoptes scabiei from dogs

The male mites usually live on the skin of the cats while the females burrow inside the skin to lay eggs. 

The image features a title “How Do Cats Get Scabies?” in bold white letters against a blue background, accompanied by explanatory text below it. On the left side, there is a close-up photo of a cat’s head with visible skin irritation around its ear, indicating the condition of scabies. The background is decorated with faint doodles of paw prints and bones, and there is a logo or watermark that reads “vetic” in the bottom right corner.

How Do Cats Get Scabies?

Cats can contract scabies by coming in direct contact with another animal (cat or dog) that has scabies. Notoedres and Sarcoptes mites are highly contagious between all animals. 

What are the Signs of Scabies in Cats?

This image is an informative graphic from ‘vetic’ that outlines the five signs of scabies in cats. It features a light blue background with doodles of cats and veterinary-related items like a stethoscope, syringe, and paw prints. At the top center, in bold white letters, it reads “The Signs of Scabies in Cats?” Below this title are five numbered pink and purple tags with white text listing symptoms: “01 Itchy and crusty ears,” “02 Flaking skin,” “03 Intense itching,” “04 Hair loss,” and “05 Skin inflammation.” The use of numbered tags makes the information clear and easily digestible, while the playful background adds a friendly touch to the educational content.

The early signs of scabies in cats usually begin with itchy and crusty ears. That’s typically the first site of mite infection.

Other signs that develop after the initial stage of mite infection in cats include –

  • Flaking skin
  • Intense itching
  • Hair loss
  • Skin inflammation

Generally, a cat’s face is first infected with the mites. However, without proper treatment, the scabies can spread to the entire body causing severe itching, hair loss, skin issues and swelling. 

How is Scabies in Cats Diagnosed?

Scabies in cats is typically diagnosed through skin scraping tests. The veterinarian will lightly scrape your cat’s skin including some from their outer ears, prepare the sample and observe it under a microscope.

Mites are easily visible under the microscope, but the absence of mites or their eggs during the microscopic examination does not mean they are completely absent. Intense itching, patchy hair loss and skin irritation almost always points to a mite infestation in cats. 

Sometimes, in the case of mites in cats, the diagnosis needs to be made by the response to the treatment. 

What is the Treatment of Scabies in Cats?

This image appears to be an informational graphic related to veterinary medicine, specifically discussing treatments for scabies in cats. It lists three different treatment methods: spot-on solutions, oral medication, and professional grooming. The design is clean and straightforward, likely intended to be easily understood by pet owners seeking information on this topic. The infographic by Vetic asks what is the treatment of scabies in cats? the answers include - “Spot-on solutions,” “Oral medication,” and “Professional grooming.”

The treatment of scabies in cats is both straightforward and effective. Most treatment options for feline scabies are cost-effective as well. 

Spot-on solutions

These are the easiest, no-fuss and most effective options for cat parents out there. Most spot-ons for cats don’t just treat feline scabies, but also prevent them. Even if your cat doesn’t have scabies, spot-ons can protect them from any mite infestation, as well as flea and tick infestations

However, spot-ons can come in several compositions and speak with your veterinarian who will prescribe the correct one your cat or kitten needs. 

Oral medication

There are no approved oral medications for treating feline scabies in India. Some flea control products are rarely prescribed as a one-time solution for severe mite infestation in cats, but be careful since there have been no controlled studies of these meds. 


Keeping your cat’s fur short for the time being, removing dead skin and applying ointments or sprays as recommended by the veterinarian should work efficiently in removing mites. However, ensure your cat doesn’t lick the products off their skin. 

Take them for medicated baths and professional grooming as recommended by your veterinarian. It will provide them considerable relief from the intense itching and inflammation. 

Prevention and Management of Scabies in Cats

If you have other pets in the household, you need to get them checked for scabies as well since mites are highly contagious. You may need to apply spot-ons on your other cats and dogs as well. 

Again, since the composition and function of spot-ons and chews vary considerably, you need to follow the instructions of your veterinarian when applying them on your pet. 

In one simple sentence, if your cat tests positive for Notoedres or Sarcoptes, you need to get ALL your other pets treated. 

FAQs about Scabies in Cats:

Can humans get scabies from cats?

Yes, but it’s rare. Cat scabies can cause temporary itching and rashes in humans.

How long can scabies mites survive off a cat?

Scabies mites can survive off a host for about 2-3 days.

Are there any home remedies for treating scabies in cats?

No, only veterinarian-prescribed treatments should be used for scabies.

How quickly do scabies symptoms appear in cats?

Signs of scabies in cats can appear within 10 days to 8 weeks after exposure.

Can scabies in cats resolve on its own?

No, scabies requires medical treatment to eliminate mites and prevent complications.

Is scabies in cats painful?

Yes, scabies can cause intense itching and discomfort, leading to pain from constant scratching.

Can kittens get scabies from their mothers?

Yes, kittens can contract scabies from infected mothers through close contact.

What’s the most effective way to prevent scabies in cats?

Regular use of vet-prescribed spot-on treatments can effectively prevent scabies in cats.

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